# Greg Daly Exhibition
Artist Statement
My studio is in central west New South Wales and the view from my studio is one that
allows me to see from one horizon to the other. From first light to sunset, I watch the
day’s light traversing this landscape, interacting with the atmosphere, the topography
and the flora. A slow symphony of colour, ever changing.
This interaction is something akin to alchemy for me. The transmutation of the base
elements of photons, air and earth into precious visions of beauty. I see the first rays of
light through the morning mist, glimmering silver and gold. I see sunsets through clouds
and haze, glowing red and purple like a precious stone. I see the midday sun shining
from a clear blue sky, filtering through the eucalypts and illuminating the vegetation,
sometimes lush, sometimes sun-bleached. A myriad of colours, some subtle, some
overwhelming, never the same, always changing.
The elements I use in the lustre glazes, silver and copper especially, have their own
alchemical responses as they interact with the heat and atmosphere of the kiln. And
like the light and landscape that inspired them, they interact to produce ever changing
colours and surfaces, distilling the essence of what I see and giving the light something
new with which to play.
Each work in this exhibition captures a moment in the day where the alchemy of light
has produced something magical.
Greg Daly

About the Artist
Greg Daly has been a member of the International Academy of Ceramics (Geneva) since 1986. He is represented in over ninety national and international art galleries and museums around the world including the National Gallery of Australia, Victoria & Albert Museum, UK; American Museum of Ceramic Art, USA; Decorative Arts Museum, Prague; Stoke-on-Trent City Museum, UK; International Ceramics Studio collection, Kecskemét, Hungary; Icheon World Ceramic Centre, Korea, and Saga Prefectural Art Gallery, Japan. As well as having 105 solo shows, since 1975 Greg has participated in over two hundred and fifty group exhibitions throughout Australia and twenty three countries. Published: Glazes & Glazing Techniques, Lustre, & Developing Glazes.
Born 1954, Australia.
Member of the international Academyof Ceramics, Geneva, since 1986.
Over 80 Solo Exhibitions throughout Australia.
Represented in over 75 national and international Art Galleries and Museums.
National Gallery of Australia
Art Gallery of Greater Victoria (Canada)
Victoria and Albert Museum (UK)
Ariana Museum (Switzerland)
Faenza Ceramic Museum (Italy)
Ceramic Museum Vallauris (France)
Saga Prefectural Art gallery (Japan)
Stoke-on-Trent City Museum (Uk)
Taipei Fine Art Museum (Taiwan)
Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum (Norway)
Aberystwyth Art Centre (Wales)
Obidos Museum (Portugal)
Museum of Carouge (Switzerland)
Museum Zagreb (Croatia)
Museum of Aveiro (Portugal)
Ceramic Museum Vallauris (France)
Ceramic Museum Talavera (Spain)
Auckland Museum & Art Gallery (New Zealand)
Decorative Arts Museum (Prague)
Art Gallery of greater Victoria (Canada)
Saga Prefectural Art Museum (Japan)
Panevezys Civic Art gallery (Lithuania)
Keramion (Germany)
Ichon world Ceramic Centre (Kyonggi Province, Korea)
American Museum of Ceramic Art, California (USA)
All state Art Galleries:
National Gallery of Victoria,
western Australian Art
gallery, Queensland Art gallery,
Art gallery of South Australian,
Art Tasmania, Art Gallery of the
northern Territory, Queen Victoria
Museum and Art gallery, Powerhouse
Museum NSW.
Regional Art galleries
Bathurst Regional Art gallery (NSW)
Castlemaine Museum & Regional Art Gallery (Victoria)
Cowra Regional Art Gallery (NSW)
Davonport Regional Art Gallery(TAS)
Fremantle Art gallery (WA)
Geelong Regional Art gallery (WA)
Manly Municipal Regional gallery (MSW)
Newcastle Regional Art Gallery (NSW)
Orange Regional Art Gallery (NSW)
Penrith Regional Art Gallery (NSW)
Peter Tucker Regional Art Gallery (QLD)
Tamworth Regional Art Gallery (NSW)
Hamilton Regional Art Gallery (VIC)
Gladstone Regional Art Gallery (QLD)
Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery (QLD)
Horsham Regional Art Gallery (VIC)
Rockhampton Regional Art Gallery (QLD)
Brisbane City gallery (QLD)
Shepparton Regional Art gallery (VIC)
Ipswich Regional Art gallery (QLD)
Toowoomba Regional Art gallery (QlD)
Over 200 throughout Australia, Japan, Lithuania, Uk, Canada,
France, Croatia, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Czech Republic, Taiwan, USA, New Zealand, Egypt, Italy, Germany, Greece, Korea, Poland, Latvia.
Awards: 37 National and International
Awards including: 1973 Victorian
Ceramic group Student Award; 1978
Victorian Ceramic Award; 1978 Victorian
Ministry for the Arts: Craft Award;
1978, 1983 Potters Cottage Ceramic
1988 & 1990 national Ceramic Award – Australia;
1990 Montex Prize
– lil world Triennal Exhibition of Small
Ceramics Zagreb, Croatia; 1991 Silver
Medal international Ceramic Exhibition
Sopot, Poland; 1982 IAC Award Vallauris,
France; 1983 Silver Medal ‘Arts, Sciences,
Letters’ Academy, France; 1990 Montex Prize world Triennial of Small Ceramics
Zagreb, Croatia; 1995, 1996 ‘Orton
Box’ Exhibition Award, USA; 2002
6th Cairo international Biennale for
Ceramics, Egypt; 2004 Judges award,
‘Calleen Art Award’ Cowra.
Glazes and Glazing Techniques, Greg Daly, 1995, 1996, 1998 kangaroo
Press, Simon & Schuster, AC Black, UK,
Gentle Breeze, USA Lustres, Greg Daly, 2012 AC Black/ University of Pennsylvania Press Developing Glazes, Greg Daly, 2013
Bloomsbury, The American Ceramic
Society Ceramic Form, Peter Lane, UK Studio Ceramics, Peter Lane, UK Ceramics of the World, Gottfried Borrman, Germany Masters of Modern Ceramics, Italy The Australian Pottery Book, 2nd ed.
Harry Memmot Pottery, Janet Mansfield Clay Statements I & II
Modern Australian Ceramics, Janet Mansfield Ceramics Manual, Graham Flight Contemporary Ceramic Art, Australia & New Zealand, Janet Mansfield Sculptural Ceramics, Ian Gregory The International Design Yearbook, 1993 illustrated Dictionary of Practical Pottery, Robert Fournier (3rd ed.)
The Craft and Art of Clay, Susan Peterson
Introduction to Ceramics, Graham Flight
Contemporary Porcelain, Peter Lane
Resist and Masking Techniques, Peter Beard
Design Source Book Ceramics, Edmund De Waal
Contemporary Ceramics, Susan Peterson
Smashing Glazes, Susan Peterson
Working with Clay, Susan Peterson
500 Bowls, Lark USA
500 Tiles, Lark USA
500 Vases, Lark USA