Freedom Wilson – The Narrowneck Plateau
- 18 June 2022
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- 31 July 2022
exhibition foreword
Freedom has been based in Katoomba since 2006 and is an artist who is inspired from bushwalking adventures and her passion for local ecology. Drawing and sketching on location forms the foundation for her printmaking practice and the work in this exhibition comprises both silkscreens and cyanotypes on paper.
Freedom’s exhibition has developed from fieldwork on the Narrowneck plateau, south of Katoomba; a favourite destination renowned for its sandstone and ironstone rock formations, low growing eucalyptus forests and a plethora of grasses, isopogons, orchids, banksias and grevillea species. This area was badly affected by the 2019/20 Black Summer bushfires that exposed a fragile environment normally concealed by dense bush. The artist hints at regrowth and regeneration with the return of blue hues and reflective atmospheric light from the eucalyptus oils.
The artworks capture the essence of the mountains at day’s end… twilight… the last light of the day at a favourite place – on Gundungurra country.